Hello guys and welcome back to my blog as a plan about a book on Warfare technologies, Welcome to the first chapter Chapter 1 : Electromagnetic Spectrum Electromagnetic radiation is one of the many ways that energy travels through space. The heat from a burning fire, the light from the sun, the X-rays used by your doctor, as well as the energy used to cook food in a microwave are all forms of electromagnetic radiation. While these forms of energy might seem quite different from one another, they are related in that they all exhibit wavelike properties. The swell of a wave in the ocean, and the subsequent dip that follows, is simply a vibration or oscillation of the water at the ocean’s surface. Electromagnetic waves are similar, but they are also distinct in that they actually consist of 222 waves oscillating perpendicular to one another. One of the waves is an oscillating magnetic field; the other is an oscillating electric field. This can be visualized as follows: Electromagnetic wa...
B - 2 Spirit Hello guys, Reading about the rising tensions between India - Pakistan and Iran - USA which may escalate into a large-scale war, I thought about post about the following topics 18/5/19 Electromagnetic spectrum 19/5/19 on Doppler's effect 20/5/19 about Radars 21/5/19 about Identify friends or foes 22/5/19 about Stealth Aircrafts 26/5/19 about Missiles 27/5/19 about Nuclear weapons 28/5/19 about Future in warfare technologies I will be back today later with an article about Electromagnetic spectrum. Hope you guys liked the planning In case any of you have any corrections or queries please feel free to tell me in the comments Your Universal Physics Expert Signing Off Khushil