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Real life uses of Newton's Laws of Motion

Hey guys have you ever wondered about the real life uses of Laws of Motion
Well it's time to stop wondering....

First Law of Motion (Inertia): 

A body remains at rest, or moves in a straight line (at a constant velocity), unless acted upon by a net outside force.

1) Seatbelt :
How does a seatbelt follow it ????????
Read on to find out :

Have you ever noticed that on which principle does your car seat-belt work? Well, it’s again Physics. When you tighten your car seat-belt, it works on the concept of “Inertia.” Inertia is unwillingness or laziness of a body to change its state of rest or motion. In case of a car collision, your seat-belt helps prevent your body from moving in a forward direction; as your body resists being stopped because of inertia of motion. :
If one drove a car directly into a brick wall, the car would stop because of the force exerted upon it by the wall. However, the driver requires a force to stop his body from moving, such as a seatbelt, otherwise inertia will cause his body to continue moving at the original speed until his body is acted upon by some force.

2) Shake up that bottle of ketchup! When you shake that bottle, you bring the bottom down, then suddenly you stop. This is inertia and it’s the inertia which causes the ketchup to come out of the bottle.
(Yeah Mannnn !!!! Just like that )

Second Law of Motion (F = ma):

The rate of change of momentum in an object is equal/proportional to force applied

Your friend weighs less than you, but you both walk exerting the same amount of force. Your friend will go a good deal faster than you because the acceleration used by them would undoubtedly be higher. ( A few who don't know this suffer (see down) )

One of the main reasons why people constantly try to reduce the mass of objects is to be able to increase its speed and acceleration. All of the factors have an effect on each other. If something has much more mass, then exerting more force will make it move faster.

Third Law of Motion ( Action Reaction )

 For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If one body exerts force on the second body then the second body exerts equal force on the first body.

When someone swim, force given from his hand to the water results a reacting force from the water with the total force as big as his hand’s force, but in the opposite direction. So that he moveas forward even though he swing his hand backward  ( This is why even animals can swim smartly )

When we apply force backwards towards the ground the ground applies a force equal in magnitude forward helping us walk

Our hand feels pain when we hit the table because the table gives force as a reaction to our hand

That's it for today guys will be back with Higgs Boson tomorrow 
Till then Bye

Universal Physics Expert 

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  1. Hey guys wanna suggest a topic
    Pls help me promote Earthly Physics and Astrophysics
    Hoped you like this blog
    Don't floccinaucinihilipilificate it

    See ya in the next post on 18th May in a post about radars


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