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Showing posts from May, 2019

Chapter 1 - Electromagnetic Spectrum

Hello guys and welcome back to my blog as a plan about a book on Warfare technologies, Welcome to the first chapter Chapter 1 : Electromagnetic Spectrum Electromagnetic radiation is one of the many ways that energy travels through space. The heat from a burning fire, the light from the sun, the X-rays used by your doctor, as well as the energy used to cook food in a microwave are all forms of electromagnetic radiation. While these forms of energy might seem quite different from one another, they are related in that they all exhibit wavelike properties. The swell of a wave in the ocean, and the subsequent dip that follows, is simply a vibration or oscillation of the water at the ocean’s surface. Electromagnetic waves are similar, but they are also distinct in that they actually consist of 222 waves oscillating perpendicular to one another. One of the waves is an oscillating magnetic field; the other is an oscillating electric field. This can be visualized as follows: Electromagnetic wa...

A Future Plan (About Warfare Technology)

B - 2 Spirit Hello guys, Reading about the rising tensions between India - Pakistan and Iran - USA which may escalate into a large-scale war, I thought about post about the following topics 18/5/19 Electromagnetic spectrum 19/5/19 on Doppler's effect 20/5/19 about Radars 21/5/19 about Identify friends or foes 22/5/19 about Stealth Aircrafts 26/5/19 about Missiles 27/5/19 about Nuclear weapons 28/5/19 about Future in warfare technologies I will be back today later with an article about Electromagnetic spectrum. Hope you guys liked the planning In case any of you have any corrections or queries please feel free to tell me in the comments  Your Universal Physics Expert  Signing Off Khushil

The duo of Waves and Particles

Hello guys and welcome back to my blog Today we are going to answer a question aboout explaining particle wave duality So hold tight and off we go Particle wave duality : Publicized early in the debate about whether light was composed of particles or waves, a wave-particle dual nature soon was found to be characteristic of electrons as well. The evidence for the description of light as waves was well established at the turn of the century when the photoelectric effect introduced firm evidence of a particle nature as well. Wave-particle duality , possession by physical entities (such as  light  and  electrons ) of both wavelike and particle-like characteristics. On the basis of experimental evidence, German physicist  Albert Einstein  first showed (1905) that  light , which had been considered a form of  electromagnetic waves , must also be thought of as particle-like, localized in packets of discrete  energy . The observations ...

Real life uses of Newton's Laws of Motion

Hey guys have you ever wondered about the real life uses of Laws of Motion Well it's time to stop wondering.... First Law of Motion (Inertia):  A body remains at rest, or moves in a straight line (at a constant velocity), unless acted upon by a net outside force. 1) Seatbelt : How does a seatbelt follow it ???????? Read on to find out : Have you ever noticed that on which principle does your car seat-belt work? Well, it’s again Physics. When you tighten your car seat-belt, it works on the concept of “Inertia.” Inertia is unwillingness or laziness of a body to change its state of rest or motion. In case of a car collision, your seat-belt helps prevent your body from moving in a forward direction; as your body resists being stopped because of inertia of motion. : If one drove a car directly into a brick wall, the car would stop because of the force exerted upon it by the wall. However, the driver requires a force to stop his body from moving, such as a seatbelt, othe...

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Saul Perlmutter Fritz Zwicky Hello guys   and welcome back to my blog!! Today we are goimg to talk about Dark matter and Dark Energy Both of which are decisive to the future of the universe In the early 1990s, one thing was fairly certain about the expansion of the universe. It might have enough energy density to stop its expansion and recollapse, it might have so little energy density that it would never stop expanding, but gravity was certain to slow the expansion as time went on. Granted, the slowing had not been observed, but, theoretically, the universe had to slow. The universe is full of matter and the attractive force of gravity pulls all matter together. Then came 1998 and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of very distant supernovae that showed that, a long time ago, the universe was actually expanding more slowly than it is today. So the expansion of the universe has not been slowing due to gravity, as everyone thought, it has been acc...

God Doesn't Play Dice

Hello Guys and welcome back to my blog !!! Today we are going to talk about a huge controversy on Science during 1920s...   Albert Einstein   is one of the greatest and certainly best known physicists. If you ask anyone to name a physicist the most common answer you will receive is “Einstein”. Einstein is also famous for his quotations. Among the many Einstein’s quotations one is particularly popular among the general public: “God does not play dice”. But what did Einstein mean by this? The quotation says, “Quantum theory yields much, but it hardly brings us close to the Old One’s secrets. I, in any case, am convinced He does not play dice with the universe.” It was addressed by Einstein to Max Born (one of the fathers of Quantum Mechanics) in a letter that he wrote to Born in 1926. The “Old one” and “He” Einstein refers to is God. The fame of this quotation stems from two sources: 1) Einstein’s disagreement with the fundamental concept of Quan...

Answers to Physics Problems

This is true as the questions asked Yesterday were just simple questions requiring a good sense of  logic So lets study each answer in detail Question #1  Momentum = Mass * Velocity So Initial Momentum (P1) = 50 kg * 4.8 m/s = 240 kg m/s And Final Momentum (P2) = 50 kg * 5.4 m/s = 270 kg m/s And the definition of Foce is The rate of change of momentum in an object is equal/proportional to force applied F = (P2 - P1) / Time Which will give the unit as kg meter per second squared. So (270 kg m/s - 240 m/s) / 3 seconds =  (30 kgm/s) / 3 seconds = 10 kg m/s squared Also 1 kg m/s squared = 1 N So 10 kg m/s squared = 10 N ------------ Answer Question #2 Limiting Friction = 7.8 N (mew s * Normal) Friction acting on block is zero as it is not in motion That is it for today  I will be back soon with more challenging physics problems Till then Bye Your Universal Physics Expert  ...

Problems for Physics Lovers (Who never give up)

Hello Guys and welcome back to my blog !!! Today I am gonna post some easy but challenging Physics problems  (Advisory Content - Only to be solved by Physics Experts/Lovers) Universal Physics Expertise Problem #1   (TOUGH)   Calculate the Force Change if both the boxes are the same HINT  :To be only used if answer not found after full effort by trying Universal Physics Expertise Problem #2   (EASY) Values for calculating limiting friction are  mew s = 0.4  normal = 19.5 N Find Limiting Friction acting here Friction acting on the box (HINT - Mass= 5kg velocity = 0 m/s & F (l) = Mew s x N) a) If you have found the answer post it in the comments  b) If not wait for the answers with the explanation published tomorrow c) Tell me whether you want even tougher ones That is it for today  I will be back soon with more challenging physics problems Till the...

Antimatter - The Long Lost Cousin of Matter

A beautiful quote by Paul Dirac Many of you physics lovers would have figured out what I am gonna talk about Yes, The contrary to matter - Antimattter So now let's have a brief insight about it Antimatter: Classical physics only allowed systems to have positive energy. But Dirac’s new theory of relativistic quantum mechanics allowed for a particle with negative energy solution, as a counterpart to the familiar positive-energy electron. After ruling out the possibility that this particle was simply the proton – which has a hugely greater mass – Dirac predicted the existence of a new particle with the same mass of the electron but with a charge that was positive rather than negative. It’s now understood that all particles have an equivalent antimatter particle with opposite charge and quantum spin – although some are their own antiparticle. However hardly any antimatter is seen in the observable universe, and why there should be vastly much more normal ma...

The Expansion of the Universe

A beutiful quote on description of Science by Edwin Hubble Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog Today we are going ot talk about 'THE GENIUS' that changed the course of Cosmology So first we are going to talk about So gear up and off we go... 1) Hubble's Law Hubble's Law states that v = H o D wherein:-  v represents Velocity (IN km/sec)  H o  represents the Hubble’s Constant (Current Value is 73.8 km/sec/Megaparsec) D represents the distance to the galaxy (In Mpc) "It is a law stating that the red shifts in the spectra of distant galaxies (and hence their speeds of recession) are proportional to their distance" A red shift is observed when objects are moving farther from us and this law went against is ideas of Newton and others for a static universe A GIF on the Expansion of the Universe (Interesting Fact- Einstein refused to accept an expanding universe even though his theory proved so!!!) In hi...